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A member registered Sep 08, 2018

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(3 edits)

@Dynewolf Maybe after you finish the game and polish things up, might you consider a *cough* Harold Dlc or update? would really love more of it. The interaction, the talking, the idea of him, really great!

 Having played this the first time, your game is quite charming and always brings a smile to me everytime i open it and see *harold's* face. 

 Having myself relating to *cough* Harold, (coping with his depression with antidepressants) i felt like i was not alone in this struggle. It felt like, "Wow this guy also had a rough route" 'ya know? its... quite fascinating for me. 

 And the Main C.? pretty much embodies the personality of the player, not too much options to take which makes nervousness of taking a path a lot less stressing and backfiring. Guilt-free!  

This is the first time a visual novel has actually made me genuinely happy, and your idea of the characters, Harold and his depression, and others, and your idea of making this game is beyond compare to others, for me. 

Don't stop working on your masterpiece, a lot of people have already come to support you and love your work. 

Cherish it.

-A random guy who wholeheartedly loves your work.